Friday, February 4, 2011

Quick Update

They discharged Sarah from Washington Regional on Wednesday after all the CT scans came back negative. That was good news! Discharge instructions were for Sarah to rest and take life easy until MD Anderson gave us a call to come to Houston.

A MD Anderson scheduler called today. They are just waiting on MRI & CT scan images from Washington Regional, then they will schedule us. We had hoped that these images were already there... but they're not. Bummer.

Those images should arrive at MD Anderson on Monday, and they think that we will know our surgery date Monday night. The surgery date can't come soon enough!

We appreciate everyone's prayers and well wishes.

Sarah is still doing very well. We got out and celebrated a couple of birthdays with friends tonight, and had a great time.

Keep the prayers coming!

Pat & Sarah


  1. Praise the Lord for negative test results.

    Praying for you all!

  2. Walking that uncertain path is so very difficult but the Lord is there with us always. Praying for strength for you all during the days ahead.

  3. so glad she is able to be home while you wait!

  4. Sarah,
    Just heard the news and was so saddened that you have to deal with this:( Big hugs and positive thoughts coming your way!

  5. AMAZING! Praying for you & your family!
